
Experience Port Aransas in a unique way. Kayaking through Fish Pass or Redfish Bay gives you the opportunity to get up close and personal with nature. Get a front row seat to the delicate ecological balance that Port A is known for. Whether you are interested in hooking a red fish, adding to your bird count, or taking a relaxing sunset tour, kayaking in Port Aransas is an outdoor adventure you won’t forget. 

New to the paddle? Book a tour guide, a lesson, or a rental and head to Fish Pass where the water depth is 24”–36,” creating the perfect learning environment. Just remember to always paddle with caution–Fish Pass can be difficult to get to after a heavy rain or during a drought.

Experienced kayaker? Grab your GORB (Good Ol’ Rafting Buddy, for those not in the know) and head to Lighthouse Lakes. The Lighthouse Lakes Paddling Trail was the first kayaking trail mapped on the Texas coast and is a true treasure for paddle lovers. The trail is a complex maze through Redfish Bay that ranges length from 1.25 to 6.8 miles depending upon the trail you choose.